Latin American Workers Association- LAWAS

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Latin American Workers Association- LAWAS


The Latin American Workers Association was based in London and active in two phases the early 1980s and then 2002-13. Many of its activists went on to play a leading role in different community organisations, campaigns and trade unions, and it was a direct predecessor of the current cleaners movement.

So far this collection mainly covers LAWAS’ second period (2002-13). The material relates to:
1) individual workplace campaigns, media coverage, campaign materials, correspondence, meeting minutes etc,

2)educational resources from workshops, courses, and the innovative language exchanges, and for general distribution in the community,

3) general materials on workers’ and migrant rights, Latin American solidarity, advice sessions, information about LAWAS and cultural activities, some co-produced with other groups,

4) internal records of assemblies, meetings, finances etc

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