Browse Collections (127 total)

Lucas Plan

In 1974 the management of Lucas Aerospace, an engineering firm that manufactured aircraft components for both military and civilian use, announced…

London Radical Press

London Psychogeographical Association

The LPA was first mooted in 1957 by the British artist Ralph Rumney who was amicably expelled from the Situationist International for his failure to…

Libertarian Education

From its beginnings as the Libertarian Teachers Association in 1966 up to its present day incarnation as an e-magazine and book publisher the shifting…

Latin American Workers Association- LAWAS

The Latin American Workers Association was based in London and active in two phases the early 1980s and then 2002-13. Many of its activists went on to…

King Mob & Associated

On the occasion of a new translation of Raoul Vaneigem’s Revolution of Everyday Life (PM Press, Oakland), translator and former member of King Mob,…

Kennington Park

Kennington Park's ‘hidden past’ is tightly linked with radical working-class history that pivoted on the Enclosure of Kennington Common in the…

Contributors: Various

Jubilee 2000 Afrika Campaign & Associated

MayDay Rooms collection of materials related to the Committee for Academic Freedom in Africa and the group that has gathered around it has led to a…

Jewish Socialist Magazine

A full run of Jewish Socialist Magazine, the journal of the Jewish Socialist Group. The group, which formed in Manchester in the mid-1970s has…

Jewish Socialist


Two collections comprising materials from Kevin Biderman and Nicola Kirkham. They include documents, ephemera, and film from the anti-globalisation…

Italia Rossa

Inspired by the fruitful of exchange of Big Flame, Midnight Notes & Zeroworks with Italian political and theoretical developments, MayDay rooms has…

Irish Struggles after 1968

A small collection of Republican ephemera from the late 1960s and 1970s during the first years of the troubles. These include an extremely rare nearly…

Contributors: Jenny Earle


This journal for fierce sociology, for finding, losing and collecting, first appeared in the mid ‘90s and continued in various forms for a decade. The…

Housing Struggles Digital Collection

More materials have been added to our Housing Struggles archive as part of our HLF-funded project. The collections include paper and digital archives…

Housing Struggles 1975-1991

This collection was deposited with MayDay Rooms by Jane Foot, ex-member of East London Big Flame. It mainly includes material from CASE UK (Campaign…

Housing Struggles

More materials have been added to our Housing Struggles archive as part of our HLF-funded project. The collections include paper and digital archives…


This collection gathered pace after the donation of a file of press cuttings and commentary around the Strangeways Prison Rebellion of April 1990 and…

History Workshop Journal & Associated

Copies of the early issues of History Workshop: A Journal of Socialist Historians, donated by Anna Davin of the founding editorial collective. The…

Haringey Solidarity Group (HSG)

Haringey Solidarity Group (HSG) started life as the Anti-Poll Tax group in Haringey. Once the Poll Tax was defeated most Anti-Poll Tax groups around…

Greenline Magazine

A complete run of 36 issues of Greenline Magazine, which Jon published between 1982 and 1985. These magazines document the early years of the radical…

Greenham Common Women's Peace Camp

In 2014 Gwyn Kirk deposited six organized boxes of personal papers at MayDay Rooms relating to her long and deep involvement with the Greenham Common…

GLC story

”The GLC Story” project has deposited several boxes of publications and documents from the radical years of the GLC between 1981 and 1986. This…


Sundry copies of Freedom, ranging from the years 1924 to 1996, donated by Housman’s Bookshop. Freedom, a magazine of ‘anarchist socialism’ (later…

Four Corners

In 1973, behind a shopfront at 113 Roman Road, London E1, four young filmmakers – Joanna Davis, Mary Pat Leece, Ronald Peck and Wilf Thust – set up a…

Ford Struggles

A small collection of materials from workers struggles at Ford Dagenham plant from the 1960s through to the 1970s

For Peace!

Feminist Group

This developed a feminist agenda within the NAM critique. Alongside feminist consciousness
raising and other feminist political groups, women within…


Many NAM members were engaged in the field of architectural education, either as staff or students, and
pursued new ideas for course content and…

Ed Emery Ford Struggles Collection

Thirteen folders of archives of struggles that took place at the Ford Dagenham plant between 1969 and the 1990s. This is one of the most comprehensive…

Eco Anarchist Collection

Nine boxes of international eco-anarchist journals from the 1990s were donated to the archive by activists who used to run the magazine “Do or Die”.…

East London Big Flame

Coming together in East London in 1972 this group of left political activists at odds with the moralism of the prevailing left politics of the time…

Dockers Charter

One of the longest industrial disputes in working class history, the Liverpool Dockers dispute 1995-98, was a strong indicator that working class…

Dissenting Ephemera- Peter Maloney

Two boxes of material around radical architecture predominantly from the 1970s. The documents include materials produced by the Architects…

Dissenting Ephemera- Black Struggle

A modest collection of material relating to Black Struggle in the UK includes copies of Race Today and Race & Class which were both offshoots of a…

Dissenting Ephemera 1980-2000

Continuing with the moniker of ‘dissenting ephemera’ coined by East London Big Flame this sizeable collection of independent publications is available…

Dissenting Ephemera 1970s – Women's Movement

These materials, dubbed ‘dissenting ephemera’, were delivered to Mayday Rooms as a contextual backdrop to the October 2014 reunion of East London Big…

Dissenting Ephemera 1970s – Miscellaneous

These materials, dubbed ‘dissenting ephemera’, were delivered to Mayday Rooms as a contextual backdrop to the October 2014 reunion of East London Big…

Dissenting Ephemera 1970s - Ed Emery's Collection

Dissenting Ephemera – Tom Woolley

A collection of seven boxes of materials, including a large personal collection of documents relating to the student movement between 1968 and 1970…

Dissenting Ephemera – Steve Graby

A collection of radical ephemera, including pamphlets and journals. This collection comprises mainly anarchist materials produced the mid-2000s to the…

Dissenting Ephemera – Seth Wheeler

Seth Wheeler has deposited two boxes of materials. Some of this collection is personal papers regarding social movements during the cycle of struggles…

Dissenting Ephemera – Maurice Herson

A collection of 1970s ephemera. This includes an extremely rare short run of the Newcastle alternative paper Muther Grumble from 1971-1972, alongside…

Dissenting Ephemera – Housmans

A large collection of ephemera was donated from the basement of Housmans Bookshop. While this collection remains unsorted at present, it includes a…

Dissenting Ephemera – Crispin Aubrey

A large number of issues of Time Out, Private Eye, and City Limits – publications on which her late husband Crispin Aubrey worked – from the 1960s…

Dissenting Ephemera – Alex Bird

A collection of magazines and pamphlets. These include materials from the 1960s through to the 1990s, and range from communist and anarchist…

Dissenting Ephemera - Steve Graby

Dissenting Ephemera - Roy Perry

Dissenting Ephemera - Keir Milburn

a box of issues of Solidarity, as well as a number of items from the Swansea section of Solidarity, of which Milburn’s father was a member. The box…

Dissenting Ephemera - Hermione Harris

A complete run of Race and Class, along with other pamphlets produced by the Institute of Race Relations, sit alongside six boxes of ephemera, which…